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What is Marketing?

The job of a marketer is to know what their clients wants and help them to purchase the thing which can fulfill their needs ”

Marketing is the process of identifying, anticipating, and satisfying customer’s requirements with the purpose of making profits. If company has high quality product but have no marketing skills, then the company is in big danger because no one will look their product then how we can talk about profits. For the process of marketing the marketing manager and the marketing executives must have to take various decisions to make the process profitable, for this process they must have to look what combination of marketing policies and processes are best to increase the client’s interest for the products at minimum coast.
The aim of marketing is to know your customer’s requirements and there are many types and sub-types of marketing, digital marketing and offline. Offline marketing also known as legacy marketing, it utilize offline media channels to create awareness of a company’s products and services, these campaigns can include radio and print advertising like newspaper ads, pamphlets, television ads etc. while digital marketing is all about to marketing from internet platforms like social media, email, e-commerce etc. There is one type of marketing known as referral marketing, in which if one customer takes/purchase company’s product or service and he is satisfied from the service then he will refer this to his friends about this products and service. Marketing is the conversation that starts between two people who don’t know each other well. Great conversations lead to understanding needs. Great insights like this lead to amazing products delivered through engaging customer experiences. THIS is marketing. The brands who win more customers are the ones who put their customers ahead of their desire to sell more stuff. Every organization or company needs good marketing strategies and the skilled marketers. For all organization its product quality is very important, but when we have great quality product but have not good marketing strategies then we are in great danger because no one will know about our great quality product.  Marketing should be telling stories, not selling products. The business that wins becomes known and trusted as the brand that solves customer pain points along their buyer journey. Example: these days Apple products are very popular and people are always waiting for their new product launch, this is not only effect of their good quality product but this also because of its now become trusted by their customers for their services and products. Marketing and Sales teams need to have a unified approach. Automation helps them work towards the same goals.

What is Marketing?

Marketing and Branding

Branding is the marketing practice of actively shaping our brand. Branding is what our business needs to break through the clutter and grab our ideal customer’s attention. It’s what transforms first-time buyers into lifetime customers and turns an indifferent audience into brand evangelists. It’s what we need to stand out, make an impact and take our business to the next level. Branding helps us to stand out from the competition and builds brand recognition. Branding strategies includes good logo, website, know the brand value and mission statement, brand guidelines and additional assets like business cards, product packaging or event flyers.

“If your brand is good then your marketing stratergy is good”
Marketing can impact the brand in a positive or negative way. Marketing can help create a positive brand experience by having positive, helpful, and empathetic conversations with the customers. Marketing helps to build brands through great experiences. In the perfect world, marketing supports building strong brands. Great brands do great marketing. Good marketing strategies act as teachers to their audiences. By delivering amazing products, treating employees with respect, acting like concerned global citizens, thinking of the generations to come and they considering the planet that their children will inherit we can create good brand. Have to deliver good experience to the customer as a great brand. Marketing seeks to understand what a great experience should be. Advertising interrupts our experiences and sometimes we don’t hate them for it.

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